Permanent legal assistance for foreigners

Permanent legal assistance for foreigners is organised in close cooperation with the Bureau for Legal Assistance and Filet Divers vzw.

Sessions are held every Tuesday and Thursday from 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm by Filet Divers vzw, Rolwagenstraat 49, 2018 Antwerpen.  You can come without an appointment. There will be no sessions on thursday july 11th. On tuesday 16th and thursdag 18th of july the offices of Filet Divers will be closed. The sessions will then be held on different location:

Atlas, Integratie & Inburgering Antwerpen Carnotstraat 110, 2060 Antwerpen

Legal advice on the general status of foreigners and on the law relating to foreigners as well as legal advice for asylum seekers is available.

Bring all the important documents related to your question. For example: the decision ofthe Immigration Office, the court ruling, your residence document, the letter from the municipality, etc.  

Every Friday, the Bureau for Legal Assistance holds a telephone consultation hour concerning immigration law, from 1 pm to 3 pm. There will be no consultations in july and august.